
Learning reactjs flux, node, electron ... (Part-11)

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So far the chat interface has been intangible, we have console logs but the front interface itself doesn’t do anything at all. Lets change this lets make it display list of our friends. We will start by doing this in the chat component itself and then refactor various functionalities of the chat component into their own component as required.

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Learning reactjs flux, node, electron ... (Part-9)

fb-messenger Comments

In previous post we added functionality for login. Now user can enter their facebook username and password and get authenticated. Next step is to show chatting screen as soon as login is successful. But due to the way “facebook-chat-api” and Flux works, I’m quite confused. After login is successful we get “api” object in the callback

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Learning reactjs flux, node, electron ... (Part-8)

fb-messenger Comments

Currently the login store’s authenticate method does nothing much. Obviously it should try to login from Facebook. For this purpose we will use facebook-chat-api. We will wrap actual calls to the “facebook-chat-api” inside our service classes. As of now I’m planning to use LoginService class for login, and ChatService to get the chat running.

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Learning reactjs flux, node, electron ... (Part-6)

fb-messenger Comments

Lets establish a basic flow for our application. The initial thing that user sees as soon as application is started is the login interface. Once user enters the credentials and is successfully validated, the user should see the chat interface. Chat interface will consist of the user’s friend list, and the interface to type messages.

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