
My name is Nripendra Nath Newa. I am a programmer from Nepal. I currently work for UBA-solutions inc, thado-dhunga, sanepa, lalitpur, Nepal. This is my personal blog and everything I Jot down in this blogs are my personal opinion.

My field of expertise includes web development with asp.net and c#. But I do have also have knowledge of other competing technologies such as PHP, Ruby-On-Rails, Python etc. some more in-depth than other. My current working title is 'Technical Manager'.

My job specification ranges from writing codes, designing system architecture and micro frameworks, guiding other team members. My hobby includes painting, music, sports, dancing, traveling and most important of all coding.

I'm on linkedin, github, stack overflow, twitter, Google+. You can also subscribe to this blog from here, or simply email me at nripendra.newa@gmail.com