
Learning reactjs flux, node, electron ... (Part-1)

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Its been a while since I last worked on big enough javascript project. Javascript landscape has changed a lot since then. Es6, Es7 are now hot topics, so are the technologies like gulp/grunt nodejs and npm. I have been learning about these technologies through various sources, but haven’t been able practically apply what I have learned.

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Portable Jekyll setup

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It has been sometime since I wrote my last post. I have switched couple of different machines in this period of time. I was trying to write a post, but then it occured to me that I have forgotten how I used to do it…

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Cubical.Js is a small light-weight javascript library for defining modular components. Released under MIT license, it is my yet another opensource project that I published this year. This year I’m quite happy to be able to release couple of my projects into opensource world. Cubicle.js is one of such projects. Many times when working on larger projects we need a way to organize our javascript codes into multiple files/classes/modules. In past I normally used to create javascript classes, either using some sort of frameworks or using vanilla-js. No matter what, I would end up with a lot of classes that clutter up the global namespace.

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Introducing xGherkin.net

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Test Driven Development (TDD) is the current norm in industry. It refers to design of software product based on series of Tests. Tests in TDD are not essentially unit tests, but unit test frameworks and concepts are primarily in use.

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About my Favicon

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Favicons are very small, so small that, most of us don’t even realize they are present. Small they might be but not unimportant, as I recently learned. The favicons do subtly identify a website, without us even knowing (we are accustomed to recognize Facebook tab using their icon). I really didn’t give much thought to favicons before this, they were always there and I was ok. When I started this blog, the first thing I noticed was the fact that the space for my favicon in tab was blank. So, I began to think about what my favicon should be? May be a small image of myself? Or, should I ask one of my designer colleagues to design it for me. I was surrounded by quite dilemma on this topic for quite some time after release of this blog…

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My own Domain

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Well lets get started with a brief back-story, I have been blogging from nripendra-newa.blogspot.com. Although not very active, I do like to share my ideas every now and then. When I mention url of my blog to my friends and colleagues, they always pick on me about my domain…

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